Archive Publications External Tr​ade
Issue No
Period C​overed
​3rd Quarter 2023


2st Quarter 2023

1st Quarter 2023

4th Quarter 2022

3rd Quarter 2022

2nd Quarter 2022

​​​1st Quarter 2022


​4th Quarter and Year 2021

​3rd Quarter 2021

​2nd Quarter 2021

​1st Quarter 2021

​4th Quarter and Year 2020

​3rd Quarter 2020


​2nd Quarter 2020

​​1516 ​1st Quarter 2020

​​​1501 ​​​4th Quarter & Year 2019

1490 ​3rd Quarter 2019​​​

​​​​​​​1472 ​2nd Quarter 2019

1453 ​1st Quarter 2019

1434 ​4th Quarter & Year 2018

​​1421 ​3rd Quarter 2018

​​1403 ​2nd Quarter 2018

1385 ​1st Quarter 2018

1365 ​4th Quarter & Year 2017

1352 ​3rd Quarter 2017

​​​​​​​​​1335 ​2nd Quarter 2017

​​​​​​​​​​​1316 ​​​​​1st Quarter 2017

1297 ​​4th Quarter & Year 2016

1284 ​3rd Quarter 2016

​​​​​​​​1265 ​2nd Quarter 2016

1246 1st Quarter 2016

1227 4th Quarter & Year 2015

1215 3rd Quarter 2015

1196 2nd Quarter 2015

1177 1st Quarter 2015

1159 4th Quarter & Year 2014

1146 3rd Quarter 2014

1128 2nd Quarter 2014

1108 1st Quarter 2014

1090 4th Quarter & Year 2013

1077 3rd Quarter 2013

1059 2nd Quarter 2013

1039 1st Quarter 2013

1020 4th Quarter & Year 2012

1006 3rd Quarter 2012

989 2nd Quarter 2012

968 1st Quarter 2012

950 4th Quarter & Year 2011

937 3rd Quarter 2011

918 2nd Quarter 2011

899 1st Quarter 2011

879 4th Quarter & Year 2010

867 3rd Quarter 2010

851 2nd Quarter 2010

832 1st Quarter 2010

812 4th Quarter & Year 2009

800 3rd Quarter 2009

784 2nd Quarter 2009

767 1st Quarter 2009

747 4th Quarter 2008

735 3rd Quarter 2008

720 2nd Quarter 2008

701 1st Quarter 2008

683 4th Quarter and Year 2007

670 3rd Quarter 2007

653 2nd Quarter 2007

635 1st Quarter 2007

616 4th Quarter & Year 2006

604 3rd Quarter 2006

588 2nd Quarter 2006

571 1st Quarter 2006

552 4th Quarter & Year 2005

540 3rd Quarter 2005
524 2nd Quarter 2005
507 1st Quarter 2005
488 4th Quarter & Year 2004

479 3rd Quarter 2004

468 2nd Quarter 2004
455 1st Quarter 2004
442 4th Quarter & Year 2003
435 3rd Quarter 2003
426 2nd Quarter 2003
415 1st Quarter 2003

404 4th Quarter & Year 2002 ​​​
397 3rd Quarter 2002
391 2nd Quarter 2002
382 1st Quarter 2002
370 4th Quarter and Year 2001
3rd Quarter 2001
​2nd Quarter 2001
351 1st Quarter 2001

344 4th Quarter and Year 2000
339 3rd Quarter 2000

332 2nd Quarter 2000
324 1st Quarter 2000
317 4th Quarter & Year 1999
313 3rd Quarter 1999
306 2nd Quarter 1999
300 1st Quarter 1999
290 4th Quarter & Year 1998
289 3rd Quarter 1998
284 2nd Quarter 1998

278 1st Quarter 1998
268 4th Quarter & Year 1997
264 3rd Quarter 1997
258 2nd Quarter 1997
254 1st Quarter 1997
249 4th Quarter & Year 1996
243 3rd Quarter 1996
237 2nd Quarter 1996
232 1st Quarter 1996
228 4th Quarter & Year 1995
224 3rd Quarter 1995
219 2nd Quarter 1995
214 1st Quarter 1995
209 4th Quarter & Year 1994
201 3rd Quarter 1994
189 2nd Quarter 1994
182 4th Quarter &Year 1993
178 3rd Quarter 1993
173 2nd Quarter 1993
167 1st Quarter 1993
164 4th Quarter 1992
160 3rd Quarter 1992
153 2nd Quarter 1992​

148 1st Quarter 1992

140 4th Quarter & Year 1991
136 3rd Quarter 1991
130 2nd Quarter 1991
122 4th Quarter & Year 1990
113 2nd Quarter 1990
110 1st Quarter 1990
104 4th Quarter & Year 1989
100 3rd Quarter 1989
94 2nd Quarter 1989
90 1st Quarter 1989

85 4th Quarter & Year 1988
79 3rd Quarter 1988
76 2nd Quarter 1988
71 1st Quarter 1988
65 4th Quarter & Year 1987
58 1st Quarter 1987
50 4th Quarter & Year ​1986
46 3rd Quarter 1986
41 2nd Quarter 1986
37 1st Quarter 1986
32 4th Quarter & Year 1985
27 3rd Quarter 1985
23 2nd Quarter 1985
18 1st Quarter 1985
15 4th Quarter & Year 1984
12 3r​d Quarter 1984

9 2nd Quarter 1984
6 1st Quarter 1984

3 Year 1983 ​​

Balance of Visibl​e Trade
Issue No Period Covered ​​

126 1990

120 1989-1990
111 1990
106 1989

100 1989
97 1988-1989
92 1989
86 1987-1988
80 1988
75 1987-1988
70 1987-1988
67 1986-1987

62 1986-1987
59 1986-1987
54 1986-1987
51 1985-1986
46 1985-1986
42 1986
34 1986
25 1985
20 1985
19 1985
17 1985
14 1985
11 1984
10 1984
4 1984

 ​​​​(N/A) means soft copies not available, hard copies can be consulted at the office.​