Economic and Financial Data for Mauritius
Date of last update: 21 March 2025
The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund’s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Mauritius has committed, please click on
DSBB Home Page
Abbreviations used: ‘Rs M’ stands for ‘Rupees Million’
[Unless otherwise indicated, data are not seasonally adjusted. Unless otherwise indicated, data are preliminary.]
a/ Growth rate refers to the corresponding period of the previous year.
b/ Statistical discrepancy included in “Changes in inventories”.
c/ Not calculated.
d/ As from June 2022, the index is calculated with 2018 as base year.
e/ Employment consists of Mauritians aged 16 years and above who have worked for pay, profit or family gain for at least one hour during the reference week of a month.
f/ Unemployment rate refers to the ratio of the number of unemployed population to that of labour force who is made up of employed and unemployed population. The employed and unemployed population comprise all Mauritians aged 16+.
g/ The wage rate index has been rebased with fourth quarter 2021 as base.
h/ The Consumer Price Index for April 2018 onwards is rebased on 2017 Household Budget Survey data.
i/ Data are disseminated on a monthly basis as from August 2014. As from March 2022, the index is calculated with 2018 as base year.
j/ Interest is on accrual basis.
k/ The Balance of Payments coverage has been extended to include cross border transactions of Global Business Companies (GBC1s) since January 2010. Revised figures for BOP for Q1 2014 to Q4 2017 in historical series.
l/ As from 2009, the coverage of IIP has been extended to include cross-border positions of GBC1s. Revised figures for IIP for end-Dec 2014 to end-Dec 2016 in historical series.
m/ Other debt liabilities are other liabilities in the IIP statement.
n/ It is recommended that all currency and deposits be included in the short-term category unless detailed information is available to make the short-term/long-term attribution.
o/ Include cross-border data of GBC1s, private external debt culled from International Transaction Reporting System and external debt of public enterprises.
p/ In line with the recommendation of IMF, the coverage of Gross External Debt has been extended. The cross border transactions of global business entities are being included as part of Gross External Debt since December 2009. To maintain consistency, as from December 2009, the external position of deposit taking institutions and monetary authorities are also included in the Gross External Debt.
Sorce of data : For General Government, it is from the MInistry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development whereas for the others ( Monetary Authorities, Deposit Taking Institutions, Other Sectors and Direct Investment: Intercompany Lending), the data is from Bank of Mauritius.
1) For National Accounts, Production Index and Producer Price Index, the data have been compiled using National Standard Industrial classification (NSIC) Revision 2 based on the UN International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) of all economic activities, Rev. 4 of 2007, previous classifications used was NSIC Rev.1 based on ISIC, Rev. 3 of 1990.
2) External Debt by maturity - Long-term includes IMF SDR allocations.
3) Data for Dec 2012 have been revised following recommendations made by the IMF multisector mission in Jan 2013. Central government (net): Liabilities to Central Government now includes deposits of budgetary central government, extra budgetary units and social security funds, as well as their holdings of Bank of Mauritius Securities.
4) As from 29 August 2014, 'General Government (net)' has been replaced by 'Central Government (net)' and 'Foreign position of other depository corporations (net)' has been replaced by 'Foreign position of depository corporations (net)'.
5) Data for population has been revised based on the 2022 Population Census