
To classify its data in meaningful classes and to enable their comparability at the international level, Statistics Mauritius makes use of classifications recommended by international institutions and adapts them to the national context. Some of the classifications used by Statistics Mauritius are:


National Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities Rev.2 (NSIC Re​v. 2) adapted from the UN International Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities, ISIC Rev.4 of 2007​

National Standard Classification of Occupations (NASCO-08) adapted from the UN International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO-08, adopted by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in December 2007.


National Standard Classification of Education (NSCED-97) adapted from the UNESCO Inte​rnational Standard Classification of Education, ISCED-97

Standard International Trade Classi​fication​ based on UNSD classifications, SITC Rev.4 of 2007


National ​Classificati​on of Individual Cons​umption According to Purpose​ based on UNSD classifications, COICOP 2000

​Central Product Classification Version 2.1 (CPC Version 2.1)​ based on UNSD classifications of 2015

​Country Code:​
Coun​try Code​​​ based on International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO 3166-1)

Codes for administrative areas of the Republic of Mauritius
1. Codes for Municipal Wards and Village Council Areas (M​WVCAs​) of the Island​ of Mauritius​ based on Local Government Act 2011.
2. Codes for administrative regions​ of the Island of Rodrigues  based on Rodrigues Regional Assembly Act 2001.​ 
 More Information​
International Classification of Crime for Statistical  purposes version 1.0 (ICCS Version 1.0)
