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1. EOE consist of enterprises previously operating with an EPZ Certificate as well as enterprises manufacturing goods for exports and holding a registration certificate issued by the ex-Board of Investment.
2. Compared to the first quarter of 2020, total employment in EOE decreased by 837 (-1.9%) from 43,488 to 42,651. Some 106 jobs were created due to expansion in existing enterprises whilst 943 jobs were lost due to the contraction of workforce in enterprises. Employment of Mauritians went down by 814 (-3.5%) from 23,376 to 22,562 and that of foreign workers decreased by 23 (-0.1%) from 20,112 to 20,089.
3. EOE exports which was declining since the third quarter of 2019, plummeted during the second quarter of 2020 to reach R 5,304 million, 44.4% lower compared to the first quarter of 2020 and 53.7% lower compared to the second quarter of 2019. EOE imports during the second quarter of 2020 amounted to R 3,693 million, 23.2% lower than the first quarter of 2020 and 40.4% lower than the second quarter of 2019.
September 2020