Survey of Employment and Earnings in Large Establishments, March 2015

Change in employment from March 2014  to March 2015
1.Employment in large establishments increased by 246 from 309,388 (193,511 males and 115,877 females) to 309,634 (192,570 males and 117,064 females).
2. Main changes in employment were registered in the following industry groups:
       Education                                                                                                                 +625
 Human health and social work activities                                                                 +598
       Information and communication                                                                              +397
       Manufacturing                                                                                                       -1,616
 Agriculture, forestry and fishing                                                                              -684 
3. Employment in the General Government Sector increased by 776 from 73,023 (46,731 males and 26,292 females) to 73,799 (46,471 males and 27,328 females). Female employment increased by 1,036 while male employment decreased by 260.
4. Employment in large Export Oriented Enterprises (EOE) decreased by 1,049 from 54,389 (24,840 males and 29,549 females) to 53,340 (24,741 males and 28,599 females).
5. The number of foreign workers increased by 642 from 28,383 (18,611 males and 9,772 females) to 29,025 (19,172 males and 9,853 females).
Change in average earnings from March 2014 to March 2015
6. Overall average monthly earnings in large establishments increased by 6.2% from Rs 25,027 to Rs 26,586. A general upward trend was observed in all industry groups Highest increases were registered in ‘Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply’ (16.3%) due to a salary revision, ‘Agriculture, forestry and fishing’ (10.1%) and ‘Accommodation and food service activities’ (8.8%).
7. Average monthly earnings in the large establishments of the EOE sector increased by    5.9% from Rs 13,922 to Rs 14,739.

September 2015​