What we do
Our Services
Statistics Mauritius is responsible for the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of official statistics relating to all aspects of the economic, demographic and social activities with a few exceptions like fisheries and health statistics which fall under the responsibility of the respective Ministry, and banking and Balance of Payment statistics for which the Bank of Mauritius is responsible.
Statistics Mauritius falls under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development. It has decentralised its activities through the creation of Statistical Units in many Government Ministries. These units are staffed by officers on the establishment of Statistics Mauritius but directly servicing their respective Ministries in all statistical matters.
Statistics Mauritius may, under certain conditions, make an agreement with any Ministry or Government Department, local authority or statutory body to collect data jointly.
We disseminate our data through the following publications:
- Digest of Statistics: These are mostly annual publications meant to bring together in a single volume all data pertaining to a given subject matter.
- Economic and Social Indicators: These indicators, which are mostly quarterly publications, are designed to rapidly disseminate the main statistical data pending the publication of the detailed digest or reports.
- Adhoc reports: Adhoc reports follow mainly the completion or part completion of censuses and surveys, or availability of other sources of data.
- Mauritius in Figures: This is an annual publication which presents the main statistics in a pocket size format.
Apart from these publications, the Office attends to several requests for information coming from international organisations, national organisations (both public and private), academia and the public in general.
We graduated to the IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) in 2012.