​Road Transport and Road Traffic Accident Statistics - (Island of Mauritius)

​January - June 2021 – Highlights


Vehicles registered

  1. 1.   At the end of June 2021, the number of vehicles registered at Natio​nal Land Transport Authority stood at 610,658, representing an increase of 1.8%, compared to the figure of 600,053 registered at the end of 2020. The number of vehicles which joined the fleet in the first semester of 2021 was 13,410 whilst 2,805 were put out of circulation.

     Road traffic accident
    2.    The number of road accidents registered during the first semester of 2021 was 12,488, that is, 5.0% higher than the figure of 11,981 for the first semester of 2020.

  2. 3.    During the first semester of 2021 the number of road traffic accidents causing casualties (deaths and persons injured as a result of road accidents) increased by 0.8% to 852 compared to 845 in the corresponding period of 2020.  Amongst 51 were fatal compared to 50 during January to June 2020. Non-injury accidents increased by 5.3% to 11,636, against 11,046 for the corresponding period of 2020.

  3. 4.   The number of persons who died as a result of road accidents during the first semester of 2021 was 53 or +1.9% as compared to 52 during the corresponding period of 2020. Among the casualties, the most vulnerable category of road users w​ere riders/pillion riders of auto/motor cycles (28 or 52.8%), followed by pedestrians (11 or 20.8%).
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 31 August 2021