Quarterly Index of Industrial Production (QIIP), First Quarter 2021


(​Year 2013 = 100)


1.    The Quarterly Index of Industrial Production shows the evolution of the volume or real output of the Industrial Sector comprising “Mining and quarrying", “Manufacturing", “Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply" and “Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities". 

2.     In the first quarter of 2021, the overall index of industrial production contracted by 14.5% compared to the previous quarter and by 5.6% when compared to the corresponding quarter of 2020. 

3.      The performance of the sub-sectors within the industrial sector is as follows:​

Growth rate (%) first quarter 2021
Over corresponding quarter of 2019 Over previous quarter
Mining and quarrying -0.6 -31.6
Manufacturing -5.5 -18.5
Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply -9.2 +14.3
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities -0.2 -9.8
Industrial Sector -5.6 -14.5


4.      For year ending first quarter 2021, i.e. second quarter 2020 to first quarter 2021, real industrial output contracted by 17.9%.  This is explained by contractions in “Mining and quarrying" (-15.9%), “Manufacturing" (-18.9%), “Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply" (-15.4%) and “Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities"  (-2.7%).




23 June 2021