Wage Rate Index – 2nd Quarter 2020


(Base: fourth quarter 2016=100)​​

  1. 1.    The wage rate index decreased by 1.8% or 2.1 points to reach 112.5 in second quarter 2020 from 114.6 in first quarter 2020. Compared to the second quarter 2019, the index, which stood at 112.4, increased by 0.1% or 0.1 point.     

  2. 2.       Main changes registered in the sub-indices from 1st Quarter 2020 to 2nd Quarter 2020 are:

Transpor​​tat​ion and storage​ ​-9.6%
Administrative and support service activ​ities -6.0%
Accommodation and food service activities -4.7%
Professional, scientific and technical activities -4.6%
Wholesale and retail trade -4.4%
Agriculture, forestry and fishing ​+4.2%
Real estate activities ​+0.5%


3.       The index for the public sector, which comprises general government and public enterprises and accounting for around 46% of the total weight of the wage rate index, decreased by 1.9% or 2.2 points from 113.1 in first quarter 2020 to 110.9 in second quarter 2020.  Compared to second quarter 2019, it increased by 1.2% or 1.3 points.

4.       The index for the private sector, which accounts for around 54% of the total weight of the wage rate index, decreased by 1.6% or 1.9 points from 115.8 in first quarter 2020 to 113.9 in second quarter 2020. Compared to second quarter 2019, it decreased by 0.8% or 0.9 point. ​



Statistics Mauritius

Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development

September 2020