Survey of Emp​loyments and Earnings in Large Establishments - March 2016


Change in employment from March 2015  to March 2016
1. Employment in large establishments decreased by 768 from 314,980 (195,243 males and 119,737 females) to 314,212 (195,002 males and 119,210 females).
2. Main changes in employment were registered in the following industry groups:
 Manufacturing                                                                                        -1,839
      Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles                 -564
      Public administration and defence; compulsory social security                           -279
      Transportation and storage                                                                         -232
      Accommodation and food service activities                                                 +1,013
      Professional, scientific and technical activities                                                +367
      Administrative and support service activities                                                  +292
      Financial and insurance activities                                                                 +289
3. Employment in the General Government Sector increased by 245 from 73,786 (46,414 males and 27,372 females) to 74,031 (46,392 males and 27,639 females). Female employment increased by 267 while male employment decreased by 22.
4. Employment in large Export Oriented Enterprises (EOE) decreased by 1,189 from 53,740 (24,990 males and 28,750 females) to 52,551 (25,755 males and 26,796 females).
5. The number of foreign workers decreased by 465 from 29,563 (19,687 males and 9,876 females) to 29,098 (20,005 males and 9,093 females).
Change in average earnings from March 2015 to March 2016
 6.  Overall average monthly earnings in large establishments increased by 3.3% from Rs 25,933 to Rs 26,775. A general upward trend was observed in almost all industry groups.  Highest increases were registered in ‘Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply’ (9.3%),Other service activities’ (6.5%) and ‘Real estate activities’ (6.2%).
7. Average monthly earnings in the large establishments of the EOE sector increased by 7.4% from Rs 14,722 to Rs 15,814.
Statistics Mauritius
September 2016 