Level of governance compared to other African countries
Based on the Mo Ibrahim Index, Mauritius was rated first in terms of good governance among 53 African countries in 2008/09. The index which ranges from 0 (low governance) to 100 (high governance) stood at 83.0 for Mauritius.
Political Rights and Civil Liberties
According to the Political Rights and Civil Liberties Index of Freedom House, Mauritius was rated as a free country in 2009 with an index value of 2.0 (on a scale running from 1: Free to 7: Not Free). It scored higher with regard to political rights than to civil liberties and was among the 89 countries rated as free out of a total of 194 countries.
Freedom of the press
On the basis of the Freedom of the Press Index of Freedom House, Mauritius is categorized as a country where the press is free and ranked 58th out of 196 countries in terms of freedom of the press in 2009. It had an index value of 27 on a scale which ranges from 10 (Free press) to 100 (Press Not Free).
According to the 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index produced by Transparency International, Mauritius was 39th out of 178 countries when ranked from low to high level of corruption. It had an index value of 5.4 on a scale which ranges from 0 (high corruption) to 10 (low corruption).
Economic Competitiveness
Based on the 2010/2011 Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum, Mauritius was 55th out of a total of 139 countries when ranked from high to low competitiveness. The index which is measured on a scale from 1 (lowest degree of competitiveness) to 7 (highest degree of competitiveness) stood at 4.32 for the country.
Gender inequality
According to the Gender Inequality Index published in the latest UN Human Development Report, Mauritius was 46th out of 138 countries in 2008 when ranked from low to high gender inequality. It had an index value of 0.466 on a scale ranging from 0 (no inequality) to 1 (high inequality).
April 2011