Agricultural and Fish production: Year 2021Highlights
1. Sugar cane
The production of sugar cane increased by 1.9% from 2,620,874 tonnes in 2020 to 2,669,667 tonnes in 2021. The average yield has increased by 6.3% from 59.96 tonnes per hectare in 2020 to 63.72 in 2021. The area harvested decreased from 43,711 hectares in 2020 to 41,897 hectares in 2021.
The production of sugar went down by 5.6% from 270,875 tonnes in 2020 to 255,818 tonnes in 2021. Compared to 10.34% in 2020, the average extraction rate was 9.59% in 2021 representing a decrease of 7.3%.
2. Tea
Area under tea plantation in 2021 was 685 hectares same as in 2020. Production of green tea leaves went down by 1.4% from 5,105 tonnes in 2020 to 5,034 tonnes in 2021. The production of manufactured tea increased by 1.3% from 1,083 tonnes in 2020 to 1,097 tonnes in 2021.
3. Food crops
A total area of 7,922 hectares under food crops was harvested in 2021, representing an increase of 7.8% over the figure of 7,352 hectares in 2020. The production increased by 6.8% from 95,029 tonnes to 101,537 tonnes in 2021.
4. Livestock
In 2021, beef production from live cattle was 1,823 tonnes, 0.2% lower than the production of 1,826 tonnes in 2020. Production of beef from the slaughter of imported cattle increased by 0.2% and that of local beef went down by 38.9%.
Production of goat meat and mutton decreased by 2.4% from 42 tonnes in 2020 to 41 tonnes in 2021.
The production of pork decreased by 4.0%.
5. Poultry
The production of poultry increased by 3.4% from 47,500 tonnes in 2020 to 49,100 tonnes in 2021.
6. Fish
Fish production increased by 8.6% from 26,415 tonnes in 2020 to 28,696 tonnes in 2021. Production of other catch (tuna, bank etc) increased by 9.0% and that of fresh coastal fish catch increased by 0.6%.
15 March 2022