The Census is the only way to obtain information about how many people there are in each part of Mauritius, what they do, and how they live.
A census gives a complete and comprehensive picture of the nation as well as groups of people living in specific areas. It provides up-to-date and disaggregated data on the housing conditions, the spatial distribution, and the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population. It is the only source of information for small geographical areas.
Census data are essential for assessing the country’s demographic, social and economic performance and for developing sound policies and programmes aimed at fostering the welfare of the country and its population. They are useful to business, industrial and commercial organisations to estimate and forecast demand for their products and services, and to assess the supply of manpower with the relevant skills to run their activities.
Furthermore, population estimates based on census data are used:
● determine the allocation of grants to local authorities and to socio-religious organisation.
● to determine electoral boundaries and calculate the number of members to be elected to Parliament from each constituency.
● to determine the distribution of government funds to the Municipalities and District Councils.
● give government and other users information they can use to support planning, administration, policy development and evaluation activities.