2014​ Census of Agriculture
About CA 2014
2014 Census of Agriculture (CA 2014) was the 3rd  Census for the Republic of Mauritius and the previous censuses were carried out in 1930 and 1940.
Statistics Mauritius conducted the CA 2014 jointly with the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security from July to December 2014.
Legal Framework
The CA 2014 was conducted under the provisions of the Statistics Act 2000 amended in 2011.
The Statistics Act provides for an obligation on:
(i) the selected farmers to furnish the required information according to the approved questionnaires; and
(ii) Statistics Mauritius and its employees (including temporary ones) to treat in strict confidence all individual particulars obtained during the census.
Cabinet approved the conduct of the 2014 Census of Agriculture. However, all the  questionnaires used for the 3 Phases of the Census were approved by the Statistics Board.
The notice of the taking of the Census was published under Section 13 of the Statistics Act in the Government Gazette as General Notice No. 1541 of 2014 on 18 June 2014.
Field staff
A field force of around 334 officers was mobilized for data collection.
Data capture and processing
Data capture of the questionnaires was contracted outto a private company. The tables were compiled in-house using the software CSPro (Census and Survey Processing System).
The budget for the CA 2014 was Rs. 14 Mn plus FAO contribution around Rs. 6.1 Mn (US$ 672,000).
The CA 2014 was conducted in three phases and the questionnaire for each phase are as follows:
Instruction manuals
Publicity material
Economic and social indicator – Main Results   
Thematic Reports:

Rodrigues Report

Crop Analysis Report

Livestock Analysis Report

Land Analysis Report


Census Report



CA 2014 - Island of Mauritius(IOM)

CA 2014 - Island of Rodrigues(IOR)