Survey of Employment and Earnings in Large (employing 10 or more persons) Establishments, March 2022
(Preliminary results)
Change in employment from March 2021 to March 2022
1. Employment in large establishments decreased by 1,614 from 305,677 (186,311 males and
119,366 females) in March 2021 to 304,063 (182,884 males and 121,179 females) in March 2022.
2. Main changes in employment were registered in the following industry groups:
Manufacturing |
-2,006 |
Construction |
-961 |
Education |
-230 |
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
-161 |
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security |
+614 |
Human health and social work activities |
+342 |
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities' |
+283 |
3. Employment in the General Government Sector increased by 671 from 75,433 in March 2021 to 76,104 in March 2022.
4. Employment in large Export Oriented Enterprises (EOE) decreased by 1,724 from 37,716 to 35,992
5. The number of foreign workers decreased by 1,691 from 30,044 to 28,353.
Change in average earnings from March 2021 to March 2022
6. Overall average monthly earnings in large establishments increased by 10.9% from Rs 33,773 to Rs 37,451. Highest increases were registered in 'Transportation and storage' (+17.6%) and 'Information and communication' (+15.9%). A decrease was noted in 'Mining and quarrying' (-9.0%).
7. Average monthly earnings in large establishments of the EOE sector decreased by 2.5% from Rs 20,358 to Rs 19,847.
Statistics MauritiusMinistry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development
29 September 2022