Household |
A household is either a person living on his own and making his
own provision for food and other essentials for living, or a group
of two or more persons, whether related or not, living together who
make common provision for food or other essentials for living.
Literacy rate |
A person is considered literate if he/she can, with
understanding, both read and write a short, simple statement on his
or her every day life in any language. At the Census, Creole was
considered as a language.
Literacy rate is the number of literate persons aged 12 years and
over per 100 persons aged 12 years and over.
Primary enrolment ratio |
Primary enrolment ratio is enrolment in primary schools per 100
persons aged 5 – 11 years.
Secondary enrolment ratio |
Secondary enrolment ratio is enrolment in secondary schools per
100 persons aged 12 – 19 years.
Employment rate |
Employment rate is the number of employed persons per 100 active
persons where active persons are defined as those who are currently
employed and those who are currently unemployed.
The currently employed population consists of all persons aged 12
years and over, who during a reference week held a job.
The currently unemployed population consists of all persons aged
12 years and over, who did not hold a job during the reference week,
and took active steps to look for work or set up a business
anytime during the four weeks ending with the reference week, and
were available for work during the reference week. |