International Travel and Tourism, 1st Semester 2021


Tourist arrivals

1.  The number of tourist arrivals decreased from 304,881 in the first semester of 2020 to 3,225 in the first semester of 2021.

2.  Tourist arrivals by air decreased from 275,445 in the first semester of 2020 to 3,047 in the first semester of 2021 while those arriving by sea decreased from 29,436 to 178.

3.  The performance of our usual main markets, accounted for only 44% of total tourist arrivals in the first semester of 2021 compared to 68% in the first semester of 2020.  Comparative figures for first semester 2020 and first semester 2021 are given in the table below:



Tourist Arrivals

1st Semester
1st Semester
France        78,644          601
India        12,452          397
South Africa, Rep. of        18,941          137
Germany        35,911            94
United Kingdom        22,359            87
Reunion Island        30,505            51
Italy          7,511            45
Total main markets      206,323        1,412
All countries      304,881        3,225


27 August 2021